What To Consider When Selecting A Dermatologist

When is it Time to See a Dermatologist?

Seeing a dermatologist for the first time might not be something that most people are inclined to do. You might not think you have a serious condition or something to be worried about, so you might just prefer to ignore the problem and let it heal on its own. So how exactly do you know that it is time to see a dermatologist?  If you are asking yourself any of the following questions, then it might be time to check in with a dermatologist:

What is this stubborn rash and why won’t it go away?

When over-the-counter creams or lotions won’t heal a stubborn rash, then it might be time to book an appointment. Diagnosing a rash yourself can be difficult because most rashes look the same to the untrained eye, whereas dermatologists are trained to understand the different shapes and patterns of rashes, and what those various rashes might be.

Why are my nails becoming a different color?

Nail discoloration is frequently a sign of fungal infections, although this can also be a sign of nutritional deficiencies, aging, medications, and various diseases. If this happens to you, you’ll want to visit a dermatologist to understand and treat your exact problem.

What is this new spot on my body?

New moles or changes in old moles are signs that you need a professional evaluation from a dermatologist. These can be signs of cancer, and detecting cancer as early as possible is the best way to defeat it.

Why has my skin become extra sensitive and also dry?

As you get older, the immune system of your skin gradually weakens due to environmental factors like pollens and UV rays. An annual screening with a dermatologist is the best way to understand the exact cause of your skin drying out and becoming sensitive.

Why won’t my acne go away?

Most people experience at least some form of acne, but for an unlucky few, acne can stick around longer than normal. In other cases, while your acne may go away, it may also leave you with acne scarring. Dermatologists have acne treatments, medications, and products specifically designed for any level of acne or acne scarring.

What you can expect from your first visit to the dermatologist

A dermatologist is useful for so many different reasons. If you are a teenager experiencing dreaded acne, you may visit a dermatologist to get that cleared up. If you are experiencing issues with your skin other than acne, a dermatologist will be able to address that as well.

If you’ve never been to a dermatologist, you may not know what to expect from your first appointment. But don’t worry, this article has you covered. Here’s what you can expect from your first visit to a dermatologist.

The first thing you can expect is your dermatologist to ask you questions about your medical history. It’ll be pretty similar to a visit with your primary doctor. You’ll have to tell them if you are on any medications, if you’ve had any surgeries, if you currently suffer from any medical condition, if you have any known allergies, and so on. If your doctor doesn’t know your medical history, they won’t be able to fully treat your acne or skin problems. If you are worried that you’re going to forget all of the information they will need to know, write it down before your visit and bring the paper with you.

The next thing you can expect from your dermatologist is they’ll probably look at your skin for things other than acne. Since you’ve never been to the dermatologist before, you’re probably unfamiliar with the fact that they are able to practice medical dermatology. This means they are able to check for things like cancerous moles or other suspicious marks on your body. Forms of skin cancer are very common. In fact, about 178,560 cases of melanoma will be diagnosed in the U.S. in 2018. So, don’t be surprised if they ask you to put a robe on. It’s completely normal.

If you went to the dermatologist for a specific reason like acne treatment, you can usually expect to leave the office that day with a prescription in hand. Since it will likely be a medication you’ve never used before, make sure you take the time to talk with your doctor about what it is, what it’s being used for, and how to use it properly. If you don’t fully understand how to use the medication, chances are you’re going to be using it wrong and not see the results you desire.

Finally, your dermatologist will probably want to see you back in the office again in a few months. They will likely ask you to come back for a routine checkup to see how everything is going. You can use that as an opportunity to talk to them about continuous problems or to try a completely different treatment approach.

How Do I Prepare for a Dermatologist Appointment?

1) Check with your insurance provider

Most insurance plans cover dermatology visits but keep in mind that cosmetic treatments such as CoolSculpting, Botox or other injectables, are likely not covered by insurance.

Review your health insurance policy or call your insurer before you book an appointment to understand any costs that may be associated with your visit. Insurance providers typically provide coverage for treatments for chronic skin conditions like psoriasis, acne, eczema, and cancer. Other skin conditions that are typically covered by insurance include fungal, bacterial or viral skin infections, rashes, hives, allergies, and warts.

2) Prepare your questions beforehand

Start your visit knowing exactly what you may want to ask. Make a full list of concerns, pre-existing medical conditions, any medication used, and family history to give your doctor context. Also mention any previous skin diseases you’ve experienced, including seasonal ones.

Listing your concerns before your appointment ensures that you get the most out of your dermatological visit, instead of forgetting your most urgent questions and only remembering them once you’ve stepped out of the clinic.

With extra information prepared in advance, your dermatologist will have a better understanding of your medical background, skin issues, and any treatments you’ve received, which will allow your doctor to provide a treatment plan moving forward.

3) Don’t expect quick fixes

Too many patients go into dermatology clinics thinking a quick treatment or appointment will completely transform their skin. If you’re undergoing treatments for chronic skin conditions, expect some trial and error before you get the results you actually want.

Keep in mind that different patients experience varying results. Someone with your exact skin type might get amazing results in minimal time, while you might have to wait weeks before seeing the slightest improvement. Even then, in some circumstances, the most that your dermatologist might be able to accomplish is just getting your condition under control.

During your dermatology visit, always ask what you can expect from the treatment so you can set proper expectations. Expect to book follow-up visits so your doctor can reassess your treatment plan and decide if you need to add, remove, or swap any of your existing medication or dermatological procedures.

4) Research your injectables

Cosmetic procedures require just as much research as medical procedures, if not more. The compounds in injectables might not react well with certain medications or diets, which is why it’s important to provide a full medical and personal background to your dermatologist.

Avoid the risk of experiencing side effects by properly preparing for your cosmetic treatments.

Important Dermatologist Visit Reminders

Are you going to a dermatologist appointment for the first time? Make your appointment as smooth as possible by following these guidelines:

1) Wear the Gown

Make physical exams easier by undressing and wearing the examination gown provided to you. Dermatologists ask you to wear a gown for two reasons: Without clothing, your dermatologist can accurately inspect your body.  Also, your dermatologist can inspect one body part and then another without having to fiddle with your clothing.

The next time you’re up for a dermatology visit, dress down and use the examination gown for a smoother check-up.

2) Take Note of What You’re Using

Dermatologists might be skin experts, but you can’t expect them to know every topical or oral treatment that exists. Whenever you’re consulting about a specific product, always make sure that you have a photo of the product, including the product name, its medicinal strength, and any other chemical compositions.

In dermatology, two seemingly identical creams can have strengths that differ by just 1% to 5%. This difference alone can yield entirely different results, which is why it’s crucial to take note of what product you’re using.

3) Skip the Nail Polish

Your nails can inform your dermatologist about underlying health problems. For instance, the shape of your nails can be a signal of deficiencies and other health conditions that would otherwise remain hidden, both related to dermatology and your overall health.

4) Use Your Skincare Products

Too many patients make the mistake of thinking that dermatologists want to see their “bare faces.” While it’s true that you shouldn’t go to your dermatology appointment with layers of thick makeup, this doesn’t mean you should also skip your daily skincare regimen. This is especially true if you are using prescription medicine to treat certain skin conditions. Ultimately, your dermatologist will want to assess how your skin is reacting to the medication.

On the day of your appointment, don’t neglect to apply any serums, creams, and whatever else you use on a daily basis unless specified otherwise. When in doubt, you can always call ahead of your appointment and verify if there will be tests that require you not to put anything on your face.

Liposuction Plastic Surgery Provides New Possibilities


Plastic and cosmetic surgery, and related non-surgical procedures, are more popular than ever before. That’s good news, but it also means your practice faces more competition than ever. What are you doing about that? Marketing that worked in the past may no longer be enough – or even appropriate – to put your plastic surgery practice front and center to attract prospective patients.

So how should you be marketing today?

To answer that vital question, we’ve prepared this multi-chapter guide that will walk you through the key components you should be using in your marketing strategy. We’ll explain the “why” behind each one and give you examples and actionable tips you can put into play right away to sharpen your marketing plan and execution.

Successful marketing requires smart strategy

Prospective patients – women and men of virtually all ages – have many different reasons to consider cosmetic enhancement treatments or surgery. Will they choose your practice? They will if you are reaching out to them in the right ways. A well-integrated approach can increase name familiarity, demonstrate your credibility and expertise, and clearly differentiate you from competitors.


As a plastic or cosmetic surgeon, it probably feels as if you have more competition every week. Branding your practice has never been so important. You want a name that’s instantly recognizable, and a reputation that assures prospects you’re the skilled, professional guy or gal to trust with their procedure. Every detail about your brand has to be consistent, or your brand will be confusing and unclear.

Brand messaging

Our self-image is as much emotional as it is physical. Effective messaging has to appeal to your prospects emotionally, so semantics matter tremendously. It is critical to strike the right balance.

Beauty Tips that are Better than Plastic Surgery

Instant Eye Lift

The eyes are a focal point of the face, and when they look tired or gaunt it can have a major affect on the appearance. Instead of visiting your plastic surgeon for an upper eyelid lift, which can cost at least $2,500, visit your local salon for professional eyebrow waxing. Your waxing technician can reshape your eyebrows to produce more of an arch, thereby opening up the eye area and creating the effect of an instant eyelid lift. Eyebrow waxing typically costs anywhere from $25 to $60, depending on the type of salon that you visit.

Brighten Your Eyes

Dying your eyebrows a shade or two lighter than their natural colour can also make a person look years younger. The lighter hair will diminish the appearance of dark under eye circles and make the eyes appear more open and alert. An experienced hair stylist should do your eyebrow tinting, and the service generally costs about $30.

Treat Dark Circles

In addition to lightening the colour of your eyebrows, you can also use a creamy concealer that has yellow or peach undertones to reduce the appearance of dark circles. Apply the concealer to the area under the eyes up into the inner corner of the eyes. Pat the concealer into the skin using clean fingers or a make-up applicator until it has blended in. Many celebrities keep the area surrounding their eyes a shade lighter than the rest of the face to brighten the eyes. The cost of concealer? About $10 to $60.

Minimize Puffy Eyes

If the skin under your eyes looks too puffy on a daily basis, try purchasing an eye cream or another remedy to reduce their appearance. Eye creams that contain witch hazel, chamomile, or other herbs that reduce inflammation and puffiness can be used once in the morning and once at night to treat the condition. Eye creams typically cost anywhere from $7 to $150. If allergies are causing your puffy eyes, visit your doctor to get allergy medication and eye drops.

Accentuate Your Lashes

The final step to make your eyes look more rested and refreshed is to make your eyelashes pop. There are several ways that you can do this, depending on your budget. The first and least expensive option is to use an eyelash curler and mascara to enhance your lashes; splurging on a heated eyelash curler will make it easier to enhance the lashes. Women can schedule an appointment to get eyelash extensions. Eyelash extensions extend the length of lashes and last for four to six weeks.


Before you call and book an appointment for cosmetic surgery, sit down and think about why you want it. Is it something that’s bothered you since childhood? Or are you doing it to simply boost your self-esteem? Explore your thought process and ensure you’re doing this because you want to, not because a loved one is pressuring you, or you’re feeling like you have to keep up with your friends or colleagues. Here are a few things you should consider before making a life-changing physical alteration.

Do your research

“A great place to start is the Internet, says Dr. S, cosmetic surgeon and owner and director. When looking into a particular surgeon, cosmetic dermatologist or clinic, visit the following sites to verify that the doctor and/or clinic you are considering is accredited All surgeries performed in a clinic must be accredited and approved by the CAASF, and all physicians that maintain their fellowships in good standing are listed (along with their specialty and certification date) on the Royal College’s of Physician and Surgeon’s Maintenance of Certification section. Be thorough – you’re interviewing the people who will change the way you look, so take the extra time to investigate.

Don’t be shy

Just like a fresh set of highlights, if you like the way the furrow in your friend’s brow has suddenly vanished, ask her who did her work. To counter, if you didn’t love her work, make sure you get that surgeons name too, says. Ask your surgeon to show you before and after photographs of patients who’ve had the procedure(s) you’re considering. For further reassurance, ask to speak with a patient who visited the doctor you’re considering.

Get the right Doc for the job

If you’re after a nose job or an eyebrow lift, a physician who specializes in body contouring and breast augmentation might not be the best fit for you. Surgeons tend to develop reputations for what they’re best at. Look for someone with a specialty in your category of concern so they can best assist you in getting a great result.

Meet and greet

“At the end of the day, you need to meet the physician, interview them and see if there’s a sense of trust,” says. “If your friend had a good outcome, you probably will too.”

Best Plastic Surgery Books of All Time

The Real Beauty Bible

Deciding to have plastic surgery can be a difficult decision―but it is also a courageous decision that can leave you liberated and empowered. If you want to feel confident and better in your clothes and in your skin, you can do it―you can rejuvenate your body and change your life.

Operative Dictations in Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery

This text provides a comprehensive overview of operative dictations in plastic, aesthetic, and reconstructive surgical procedures, which will serve as a valuable resource for residents, fellows, and practicing surgeons. The book provides step-by-step operative details regarding all indexed plastic surgery cases that a resident is expected to be thoroughly acquainted with for his or her daily practice and examinations.

Practical Periodontal Plastic Surgery

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Facing the Cut

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Why cosmetic surgery is good?

Many people all around the world both the men and women get cosmetic surgeries done. Now, most of the society looks down upon them or frown over this indulgence of theirs. Little do they know it’s much more than merely an indulgence. One can say the world is divided into people who support cosmetic surgeries and those who are against. This is mainly because for them the pros outweigh the cons or vice versa.

Let’s Analyze Advantages and Disadvantages:


Confidence level

We’ve grown in a society that heavily glorifies looking a certain way. It has made it desirable. People who lack those society-constructed desirable features tend to feel undesirable. This causes a dip in their confidence. Indians are obsessed with fair skin. This naturally makes dark-skinned people opt for solutions that’ll make them look fairer. This is where cosmetic surgery centers. It helps you to break the pressure media has created for you to be thin, fair and tall. Women can take consultation from the gynecology hospital or clinic regarding the right age to get enhancements or any other doubt.

Enhancement of beauty

It makes you feel beautiful from outside, thus making you feel beautiful from inside. A woman who has small breasts can get them augmented by breast implants. Thus making her feel more effeminate and pretty.

Improvement in health

Many people’s health has considerably improved after getting cosmetic surgeries done. A person has had massive breasts all her life. A breast reduction surgery can greatly help in reducing the back pain she’s had. Many women complain about suffering extra pain in the back and shoulders due to the excessive burden put on by the large bust


It’s complicated

Medical technology has improved rapidly and so has our trust in the system. But the thing we often forget is no matter how harmless cosmetic surgery seems, it’s still surgery. Each surgery brings with it a lot of complications that can arise from anesthesia or other drugs for example.

Sets unrealistic expectations

Many women and men have unrealistic expectations from cosmetic surgeries. Say they want to get under the knife to make their nose look a certain way. There’s a huge probability that what they might expect it will look like post-surgery wouldn’t be close to what it actually does after the surgery. This might again cause disappointment. This would result in a dip in self-esteem whose improvement was the reason in the first place to opt for a cosmetic surgery.

Expensive procedure

Cosmetic surgery is an expensive procedure, no matter which one you opt for. Also, since it will require rest after the surgery, you’ll have to take off from work.