How To Use Electronic Leak Detection

Use Infrared Leak Detection to Protect Your Roof From Rot!

Infrared leak detection is powerful technology that can spot the signs of a leak before major damage can occur. While most people associate this service with their plumbing system, it has many other applications as well. For example, it can be used to spot a leak in a roof, such as after a severe thunderstorm. If caught early enough, the roof can be repaired before mold and rot start to develop.

What is Infrared Leak Detection?

Infrared leak detection is a tool that produced infrared light, which is invisible to the human eye. It shows the heat – or lack thereof – emitted by objects such as pipes and parts of a home’s structure. The type of system typically includes a camera that looks somewhat like a camcorder. This camera produces a picture that is monitored by a technician viewing a monitor. When used correctly, this system can provide an early warning of potential water retention so that the proper action can be taken to fix the problem.

Traditional inspections consist of a lot of guesswork and destruction of property. In order to find a leak using this method, professionals often need to tear out sections of a roof before they find the source of a problem.

If you are thinking of buying a home, this type of inspection can uncover potential leaks that can result in a great deal of damage if not properly addressed. This can lead to thousands of dollars in repairs and, in severe cases, can even compromise the integrity of the structure. If you have no plans to move but live in an area that was recently struck by a hailstorm, infrared leak detection can be an invaluable tool that could help you save a great deal of money.

Why Uses Thermal Imaging

Thermal imaging is not exactly new technology, but the way we have evolved to use this technology to help us has changed in past years. More specifically, thermal imaging has grown in the tradie world, finding its way into the hands of plumbers.

Thermal imaging Solutions is one of these plumbing businesses utilising thermal imaging to help track leaks and assist them in doing their job more effectively and efficiently. But why are they using thermal imaging? And how does thermal imaging even work? Is it safe? All those questions and more are answered as we take you through why thermal imaging is a great tool for plumbers, and how Plan B Plumbing Solutions are using it for effective results.

What Is Thermal Imaging

If you’re not familiar with the term, thermal imaging is the use and method of using equipment that uses heat and thermal sensory and infrared to show images of objects through their temperature. It is especially helpful in low visibility areas, like the harder to reach and view areas of your home. Thermal imaging allows the user to locate problems and track issues that may not be visible to the naked eye, or issues that may be hidden.

How can this technology be useful?

Moisture Detection in Walls and Ceilings – As demonstrated in this image the infrared scan or what we call thermal imaging is a great option to have.  Thermal imaging can help identify water damage walls, floors, and ceilings. By revealing the difference in temperature between a wet area and the surrounding dry areas, we are able to detect moisture issues that otherwise would not have been discovered with a limited visual home inspection.  This thermal imaging inspection can also identify areas where insulation was not properly installed and fails to insulate properly.

Plumbing Inspections – Water leaks from the plumbing system often leak undetected until major damage has occurred. We can scan in, under, and around plumbing fixtures in the home to determine if there is active leaking going on. Since this tool is not a moisture meter we will use it to find heat anomalies and then pursue the issue further to attempt to determine the source and cause of the leak.

Thermal image scanning can detect temperature anomalies in the plumbing system not visible to the naked eye which may be a precursor to a larger issue. The resulting Thermal Image Scan report can be a great aid for the repair plumber hired to address the identified issues.

Stucco & EIFS Inspections – Thermal image scanning has greatly improved our ability to perform stucco and EIFS moisture intrusion inspections. If there is rot behind the stucco it is often visible with thermal imaging in the form of heat anomalies. Thermal image scanning also helps to quantify the affected areas of moisture damage. By adding this tool to our stucco inspections we have been able to better identify where the trouble areas are that need repair.

Wood Destroying Insect Activity – Significant wood destroying insect activity can Find termites with our thermal imaging inspection servicebe detected using this technology due to the heat generated by active infestations. That’s right, active termite activity produces a great deal of heat that is often visible to the infrared camera. Minor activity may not be detectable but areas not normally visible to the naked eye can be identified, and then a more invasive or technically exhaustive inspection can be carried out by the appropriate professional.

What Thermal Image Scanning is NOT?

MOISTURE METER – The infrared thermal imaging camera is NOT a moisture meter. It simply identifies thermal anomalies. This device greatly aids in identifying areas that need further investigation.

X-RAY VISION – The infrared thermal imaging camera is NOT an X-ray vision scope. It does not provide the user with an immediate Superman S on their chest with the ability to clearly see inside walls. Instead, it identifies thermal differences.

SILVER BULLET – The infrared thermal imaging camera is NOT a silver bullet solution, but when it is used in conjunction with other technologies thermal imaging has helped us to identify issues that are rarely identified during the limited visual home inspection process.

RISK ELIMINATOR – The infrared thermal imaging camera does NOT completely remove the risks of concealed damage.

PLEASE NOTE: It is deceptive to claim that thermal imaging detects moisture because the best that it can do is detecting thermal differences. Using the infrared camera to help discover moisture issues are helpful because once the anomalies are identified then moisture meters and other diagnostic tools can be used to identify the source of the anomaly.

Using Technology for Mold Claims

The time saved using infrared, and the larger areas covered rapidly by an IR Camera, can save time and money by providing a faster, more efficient and more reliable survey. An IR camera can detect moisture located behind interior walls under the right conditions. The temperature difference created by the presence of moisture on the inside surface of a wall will appear differently than the surrounding area. IR and IT experts recommend that property owners or their insurers should use IR cameras and IT for moisture detection under the following circumstances.

  • After any water damage event like a flood, broken water lines, equipment failure, roof leaks, etc.
  • Before warranty expiration on new construction. (In many cases, those damp basement walls are explained away as “during construction” moisture. It pays to make sure before warranty expiration.)
  • Before acquiring real estate suspected of having hidden moisture damage. (Don’t believe the story about the house has been vacant and closed up. Musty odors are caused by moisture.)
  • When basement walls are covered by finish materials, and the inspector cannot give a definitive answer on moisture issues.
  • When suspected plumbing leaks have occurred from in-slab water supply and/or waste lines.
  • When doors, windows, or other openings in the structure are suspected of leaking.
  • When performing an energy audit of the building to determine areas of infiltration and exfiltration.
  • To determine adequacy of insulation. Wet insulation is a poor insulator but is a great conductor of heat.
  • Infrared inspection of the roof can determine potential for ice dams, plugged drains, and water retention that may cause roof damage and/or leakage.
  • Locating hidden leakage and/or dampness under resilient flooring.
  • Locating wet areas in non-accessible crawlspaces.

When You Could Need A Personal Injury Lawyer


At the Law Firm, our clients know they can trust our team of highly qualified and knowledgeable personal injury lawyers to provide the aggressive legal representation needed to successfully resolve their personal injury claims

Our experienced personal injury lawyers diligently work to hold responsible parties accountable, and fight to ensure our clients get the maximum amount of compensation allowed by law.

After a serious injury such as spinal cord damage, a fractured hip, or a traumatic brain injury, probably one of the last thing on our minds is hiring an injury lawyer to pursue legal action against the negligent party. We might not even be sure if there was a negligent party

Could it have just been a simple accident with no one at fault? The immediate moments and days after a severe injury can be confusing and seem like a haze. Yet, even if you don’t remember the exact details of how you became injured, most “accidents” are anything but. For example, in the majority of car collisions, a guilty or negligent party is at fault, meaning that if they had taken the proper precautions, you would not be in the situation that you are currently in. A serious injury can be a life changing event.

Many people never fully recover from the financial implications of a severe injury and many more never recover from the physical damage caused by a traumatic brain injury or broken bones, especially if the injury happens in the second half of their life. Take a serious slip and fall injury as an example. One of the most common injuries sustained in a fall is a fractured hip



Law has helped personal injury victims recover millions of dollars and perhaps as important, helped thousands in recover after a car accident and other acts of negligence. Lawyers, doctors, and others have trusted us in deeply caring about fighting for justice in obtaining medical expenses, lost wages, and other compensation that big insurance will not even tell you about. Let us put our recognition for acting quickly, returning calls, and achieving top settlements to work for you

Excellent Track Record

has attained the highest ratings possible from independent lawyer ratings services in the areas of legal knowledge, analytical capability, judgment, communication, and legal experience.

No Fees Unless We Win

There is simply no charge to you until you win your case, and you’ll never have to pay more than you receive in a settlement. Unlike some other firms

has decades of legal experience and a successful track record of representing the injured


Choosing Your Personal Injury Lawyer

Need a personal injury lawyer because you’ve sustained a serious injury due to the negligent behavior of another person? Worried about the cost of a personal injury lawyer? Or were you hurt as a result of an accident that took place inside of a business? If so, you may need to contact an experienced personal injury attorney. A personal injury law firm can help you get your hands on the compensation you deserve

have experience with different types of personal injury cases.

There are so many different types of personal injury cases

has years of experience working on the different types including but not limited to;

Car accidents

Drunk driving accidents

Tractor Trailer Accidents

Motorcycle Accidents

Product Liability

Medical malpractice

Work-related injuries

Slip and fall accidents

personal injury lawyers are easy to communicate with.

You’re going to spend a lot of time talking with your personal injury lawyer. From the moment you first meet, you need to be able to communicate clearly with one another. If you meet with a lawyer and you don’t mesh well for whatever reason, you’re not going to enjoy the experience of working with them

Law Firm has your best interests at heart.

Our lawyers have compassion for you and your injury. The Law Firm is transparent and are very good about keeping you in-the-loop throughout your entire case.

personal injury law

Doing the Right Thing

attorneys represent plaintiffs who have been injured by acts of negligence—whether that takes the form of a car accident, medical malpractice, or a slip-and-fall, we strive to achieve justice for our clients through obtaining financial compensation to cover their damages and losses.

Believe in doing what’s right, and that motivates everything we do. Our personal injury lawyers take care of their clients.

Years of Experience in Personal Injury Law

That’s in-depth, hands-on experience that will give you the advantage you need to get the most out of your injury claim. We know how to handle every step of the legal process. No matter how you were injured, we’ll be able to conduct a full investigation and identify all of the evidence that’s available.

Vast network of contacts also means that we can obtain expert witnesses to support your case, if necessary. We aren’t shy about taking cases to court, either. Our lawyers have experience going all the way up to the Illinois Supreme Court. If the insurance company won’t provide the settlement you need, your injury lawyer will make your case before a judge and jury.

Legal Community

Not only do the insurers and their attorneys know and respect us, but our work has been consistently recognized by our peers year after year.

Steps In A Personal Injury Case

Every case is different, and there is no one way to handle a personal injury matter. That said, below is a general overview of some of the steps in a personal injury case

Injury Law Team processes personal injury cases and pursues clients’ compensation differently than other law firms. We break the mold, and we like to think that our attorneys have the flexibility and tools necessary to zig where others zag. We value the traditional process of litigation, but we think outside of the box and innovate where we see room for improvement.

Consultation With An Attorney

Following an accident, it is important to consult with an experienced attorney about the specific circumstances of your case


Whether the negligence of another party was involved

If there is a defendant from whom to seek compensation

The extent and severity of your injuries

Your medical costs

Your legal options

Investigation Of Your Case

If and when you retain counsel, your attorney should fully and independently investigate your personal injury claim, including police reports, the accident scene, photographs, witness testimony, medical records and bills, your employment history and earning power, and more. When appropriate, your attorney should collaborate with accident reconstruction experts, medical experts and other experts in a variety of fields depending on the circumstances of your accident and injuries. Your attorney should also examine the possible defenses of the opposing party and determine liability.

Termite Extermination And Your Pets

Things You Need to Know About Termite Control

Winged Swarmers

An established termite colony will produce sexually mature winged male adults called alates after a few years of quietly eating their way into the wood of your home or building. These alates fly off to create nests of their own sometime during spring when the weather is mild. If you see winged alates in your home, it’s a good indication that you have a termite infestation somewhere within your walls.

Mud Tubes

Termites build mud tubes made from a variety of particulate matter as well as soil and wood to cross open spaces they cannot go through. Mud tubes also protect termites from predators and create the humid environment they need in order to survive. You will typically find them along the foundation of your house and around various possible entry points. If you see a mud tube, remove a small middle section without disturbing either end and inspect it again after a few days. If the section you removed has been built up again, you have an active termite colony sharing your living space.

Filled-In Construction Joints

Sometimes termites don’t leave such obvious signs of their presence as mud tubes. If you notice crusted dirt or mud in small gaps or cracks in the concrete surfaces in your home or construction joints that have been filled in with mud, it’s highly likely that termites have made themselves comfortable in your home.


Store your pile of firewood above the ground and at least 20 feet away from your house to discourage termites from feasting on them and then using them to find their way inside your house.

Clear Dead Wood from Your Property

Termites are voracious eaters. Remove fallen tree limbs and other dead wood from your immediate surroundings to avoid giving termites an easy food source.

Does Homeowners Insurance Cover Termite Damage?

A termite infestation can cause a lot of damage to your house. According to the National Pest Management Association (NPMA), they cost homeowners an estimated $5 billion a year to control and repair damage


According to the National Association of Insurance Commissioners (NAIC), many homeowners insurance policies don’t cover termite damage or removal. Termite infestations may be prevented with routine home maintenance and is the responsibility of the homeowner.


If termites were to chew through your home’s wiring and cause a fire, your insurance company may step in to help pay for the damages, as fire is a covered peril under most policies


estimate it typically takes three to eight years for termites to cause appreciable damage. Termites don’t only destroy wood, they can also destroy cloth, carpets and paper.

To help prevent termite damage to your house, the National Pest Management Association (NPMA) recommends:

Avoiding moisture accumulation by diverting water away from your home’s foundation (make sure you have properly functioning gutters, downspouts and splash blocks)

Regularly checking for changes to all your wooden areas, like windows and doorframes

Inspecting the foundation of your home bubbling paint, or wood that sounds hollow when you tap it

Maintaining an 18-inch distance between the wood portions of your home and the soil (termites can still gain access by building so-called shelter tubes or chewing through non-wood materials, but barriers can be built to discourage them)


Termites cause billions of property damage every year – don’t let your home be compromised by these hungry creatures. Termites love to eat and digest wood and other cellulose material (like cardboard and paper). The wood studs and joists in your home are made of the same cellulose wood material, the wallboard has a paper backing, and those cardboard boxes you have stacked in the corner are mighty tasty.


In the thousands of termite treatments we’ve performed, we’ve continuously learned and adapted our treatment methods to be the most effective in battling termites. Whether you need a spot treatment, a soil barrier, a complete perimeter barrier, or the foundation’s stemwall treated


The best defense against termite damage is a good offense, mainly, your own eyes. What you should look for are the small, sandy mud tubes the termites build and travel within. Check around the foundation of your home – if you see a sandy-looking ‘vein’ going from the soil up to the stucco/siding, it’s probably termites. Have a weird, sandy-colored ‘stalactite’ looking thing hanging down from your ceiling? Yep, termites.

Subterranean termites can enter your home through a crack as small as 1/32 of an inch, and they usually get in through expansion joints in the concrete, through cracks in the foundation, where plumbing comes through the foundation, inside hollow block walls, and along the foundation. If you want to know for sure if your home has termites


The best way to stop termites is to remove potential food sources and eliminate moisture problems.

How to get rid of termites from your home

Nothing is quite as damaging to a house as termites. They can eat through wooden and plant-based materials until there’s nothing left. Here’s your guide on how to get rid of termites.

The best approach for removing your home of termites is to get your place professionally checked regularly. Of course, in addition, you need to keep an eye on things yourself in between inspections.

How to tell if you have a termite problem

There are different kinds of termites that can infest your home: Drywood termites, subterranean termites, and dampwood termites. Before taking any measures to eradicate termites from your home, it’s wise to determine whether you have an infestation and identify what type of termites you’re dealing with.

Mud tubes

Have a look around the foundations of your house, including wall edges and posts, and if you find mud tubes, you likely have an infestation of termites. These mud tubes look like thin brown tracks made of dirt or mud, and run along flat surfaces. According to Danny, mud tubes “protect termites from light and ants”, so they can safely travel back to their colonies.


When termites discover a good spot to dig into the wooden structures of your home, they will shed their wings. So if you find wings scattered around window sills or doorways in your house, an infestation may be about to start (or has already begun).

Top Termite Killers

There are many different termite killers out there, from liquid termiticides to bait stations and foams. Here, we’ll share the pros and cons of the top termite killers on the market.

If your home has been invaded by termites, it’s important to act fast. Termites can make a meal out of your home before you know it, and you could be out thousands. You may be looking into termite killers—which can be overwhelming. There are tons on the market, including liquid termiticide, baits, and direct chemical treatments.

This Old House Reviews Team has done all the research for you, rounding up the Top Termite Killers of 2020. We’ve broken down our top picks by active ingredient, application method, pros and cons, and more.

We’ve selected the top five termite killers of the year, ranging from liquid treatments for barriers, to foams for spot treatments and bait stations.

This highly effective, highly concentrated termiticide is one of the best out there. To use Taurus SC, you need to dig a 6-inch trench around your home’s perimeter, and pour the solution in every 10 feet.

Understanding The Mold Remediation Process

When Mold is the Problem, We are the Solution

Remediation Solutions works to develop a comprehensive and complete plan for remediation of any mold infestation found inside residential or commercial structures. Every remediation plan is based on the type of mold present inside a building, the extent of the infestation, and the materials that contain active mold colonization.

Non-Invasive Remediation

Most interior materials that have surface mold growth can be cleaned and decontaminated with processes that do not require taking out and replacing physical structures. The mold growth that is caused by excessive moisture can often be removed with different non-invasive techniques. When coupled with effective moisture control, these professional methods can lead to clean surfaces and air that will test negative for mold and pass environmental assessments.

HEPA Vacuuming

High-Efficiency Particulate Air (HEPA) vacuuming equipment is significantly different than standard vacuums. Advanced filtering systems used in our HEPA vacuums capture and remove tiny particles and mold spores from surfaces and the air. Professional HEPA vacuuming removes virtually all particles larger than 0.3 microns.

Wet Washing

Exposed surfaces that are contaminated with mold can often be cleaned by washing with a professional solution of cleansing agents that will kill and remove mold growth. Professional washing ensures that mold is removed, and any residual moisture is completely dried and removed.

Wire Brushing

Some porous or metal surfaces can be professionally cleaned with wire brushes of the correct size and design to remove embedded mold spores. Brushes can be very useful for precision cleaning in tight spaces where mold can grow in cracks and inside some surfaces.

What should you do if you find mold in your home or business?

You have found mold in your home and have sought professional remedial services, what should you do until help arrives?

When you discover that you have mold in your home and have sought the help of professionals for remediation services

these are helpful tips until they arrive:

Avoid the area the mold is found in.  If you are not able to avoid the area, where a face mask to protect exposing yourself to potentially harmful molds.

Remove as much moisture from the air and infected area as possible, without stirring the airborne mold spores.

If you approach the area to clean it, use recommended bleach solution to clean the areas you can.

Clean your vents and pans involving your HVAC system.

As spring approaches, mold will start to surface even in the snow covered grass.  Stay alert to any signs of mold to help keep your family safe and healthy.

Unless you are extremely thorough and completely remove all spores, the mold in your home will spread and develop in new previously unaffected areas.  Below are some examples of estimated costs to retain professional help for mold remediation.

Overall estimated costs of mold remediation can be anywhere from $1500 – $10,000.  This is dependent upon how severely the structure of your home is affected. 

Helpful Tips & Guides

It might seem easy to go the do-it-yourself route in order to remove mold cheaply but that could come at a long-term cost. Should the mold come back, it becomes that much more difficult to control.

However, has 3 major benefits:

We will get to the root cause – By identifying different discolorations, our professionals are able to find the origin and deal with it to prevent further spread. After years of dealing with different types of mold damage, we have the necessary experience to deal with the problem conclusively.

We have the right tools for the job – No matter how good you think you are at DIY projects; one small mistake may prove costly when it comes to mold removal. Did you know that mixing bleach with household cleaners produces toxic fumes? This is just one instance where your well-being might be compromised while attempting mold removal. For your safety, you should hire the team at 24/7 Flood Response, who have and know the right tools to use to effectively eliminate your mold problems.

We will be extremely thorough – Mold can become a nuisance if not dealt with properly. Our professional removers will use an advanced sealer to make the cleaned areas more resistant to mold regrowth. We will also advise you on how to maintain your home to ensure the problem does not reoccur.

Once our professional team of removers are in your home, there are several steps that will be taken:

Wearing of safety gear and ensuring household safety– Mold spores can float in the air and cause serious respiratory issues. Our professionals come equipped with protective gear which includes filtration face mask, vinyl gloves and protective suits which ensures the safety of our staff and advise you to keep clear of the area until the issue has been properly contained.

Sealing off of the work area – Plastic sheering is used to ensure that mold spores do not disperse to other areas which keeps you and your loved ones safe from exposure. We also use specialized equipment such as air scrubbers, vacuums and dehumidifiers to ensure household safety.

Cleaning of the air – Once the mold is removed, the air must be cleaned using High Proficiency Particulate Air (HEPA) scrubbers as they are designed to rid the air of small mold spores and other contaminants.

Discarding mold affected materials – Some parts of the structure, once moldy, cannot be restored to their previous condition and should be discarded. Our team advises homeowners on the best course of action necessary should his be a problem within the home.

We use antimicrobial cleaning agents to remove any residual mold and then seal the area to help prevent to re-growth of mold in those affected areas. Sealing of treated areas will also make them resistant to molding and get rid of any lingering odors.

Mold Remediation Team Gives You The Tools To Understand The Damage

The actual price of mold removable depends on the extent of the damage. Our team will assess the extent of the project and recommend the best course of action moving forward.

Helpful Tips For Water Damage Repair

Are there signs of water damage in your home? If you’re not an expert in water damage repair Miami then you should hire a professional right away the moment you find evidence of a leak in order to stop it from causing more damage. But what happens if you discover the leak in the middle of the night?

Learn Different Types of Water

As odd as it sounds but yes, there are different types of water. Clean water comes from leaky pipes or from the rain. It’s harmless and it’s perfectly safe to clean up on your own. Gray water is slightly dirty water coming from washing machines, toilets, and dishwasher. This type of water may contain contaminants. You need safety gear when cleaning this up. Blackwater comes from the sewage and it is packed with bacteria and harmful contaminants. This type requires professional water damage cleanup

Check For The Presence Of Mold

When the conditions are right, mold can start thriving within 24 hours. You can tell if your house has mold by its musty smell. Black mold is highly toxic to humans. If your house has mold, call a professional right away.

Dry Out The Affected Wet Areas

Dry out all moist areas in your home before it causes more structural damage. For small leaks, you can turn on a fan to dry out the affected part of the house. However, for larger leaks, you might need to hire professionals who have the necessary dehumidifiers to completely dry out carpets and wood

Looking for Water Damage Repair Miami?

Assess the situation first so you’ll know if you can do it on your own or if you need to hire Water Damage Repair Miami Company. At Laser Restoration, we have a reputation for getting the job done right and on time. We will carry out your project with the utmost efficiency and commitment to quality, and we will work with you every step of the way to ensure everything is completed according to your specifications

Mold Damage Emergency Tips

When it comes to mold, it’s important to know that it can spread fast – sometimes in as little as 48 hours. It brings with it many allergens and other harmful irritants that can affect the health of those living or working in the space. It may seem scary to be faced with mold

If you have a mold problem in your home or business, consider the following facts:

Significant mold growth can occur in 48-72 hours.

Mold may present a greater risk to children, the elderly, and anyone with respiratory problems.

A strong, musty odor may indicate hidden mold behind drywall or under carpeting.

What to Do:

Stay out of affected areas.

Turn off the HVAC system and fans.

What Not to Do:

Don’t touch or disturb the mold.

Don’t blow air across any surfaces with visible or suspected mold growth.

Don’t attempt to dry the area yourself.

Don’t spray bleach or other disinfectants on the mold.

Mold Remediation Services

If you suspect that your home or business has a mold problem,

A New Look For Your Tile Roof

Reasons To Choose A Concrete Tile Roof

When you think of tile roofing, you likely think of that iconic Spanish or Mediterranean design style. Clay tile roofing is one of the oldest and most common roofing materials in the world, and modern updates to its strength and fire resistance have allowed it to remain competitive with newer synthetic roofing materials.

Tile roofs have withheld a reputation as the most durable, timeless roofing material available, and many homeowners are already aware of these benefits. However, what they may not know and understand as well is concrete tile roofing and the benefits it offers. Concrete roof tiles take the benefits of clay tiles a step further in their design capabilities, testing, and sustainability. In this blog, we are going to take a look at some of the reasons to choose concrete tile roofing.

Longevity & Durability

Quality concrete roof tiles, like those offered by the roofing contractors at Express Roofing, can last anywhere from 30 to 50 years with the proper care and maintenance. These tiles are manufactured to last for an aesthetically pleasing and durable roof for your home. When properly installed, they are resistant to hail, heavy rains and winds, and other adverse weather conditions. The composition of concrete tile roofing prevents any burning, curling, rotting, or rusting. Not to mention, concrete roofing is a system of overlapping, waterproof tiles, leaving homeowners with an almost impenetrable roof!


Contemporary concrete roof tiles are most commonly made from a mixture of cement, graded sands, pigments that are formed into numerous tile colors, patterns, and designs. In fact, manufacturers produce residential roofing tiles to suit almost any home’s architectural style, from contemporary to European, New England Colonial, or historic designs. What’s more, concrete roof tiles can be fixed to just about any surface, including close to vertical. Roof tiles can be flat or round, can simulate wood shakes, or seek to duplicate centuries-old designs. Because concrete roofing tiles are manufactured in a wide array of colors and styles it is easier to coordinate your roof with exterior colors.  

Low Maintenance

One of the more appealing characteristics to homeowners of concrete tile roofing is that they require minimal maintenance and is generally limited to gutters, protrusion flashing, and venting. If a section of the roofing system needs modification or is damaged, only the affected tiles will need to be replaced.

Improved Indoor Comfort

Concrete roofing tiles allow better circulation of air than other roofing materials above and below them, so the result is that they can release heat energy better. This helps with keeping the indoor temperature of your home at a comfortable level.

If you are interested in upgrading your home with concrete tile roofing in Mesa, Phoenix, Gilbert, Chandler, or the surrounding areas, contact the team at Express Roofing! As one of the best tile roofing companies in the area, our team can help you choose a roofing system that best fits your home. To learn more information or to request a free tile roofing estimate, contact our roofing company today!

Why Tile?

Beautiful and Enduring

Distinctive, beautiful, sustainable tile is the roofing material of choice for quality and longevity. Its natural aesthetics have been highly valued for thousands of years, and are so today, with the addition of a multitude of shapes, profiles and colors for endless decorative possibilities. And unlike wood shakes or asphalt shingles, tile reliably holds its color and maintains its beauty over a very long lifespan.


Tile has much more to offer than good looks. Tile roofs are exceptionally resistant to water, frost, fire, wind and insect damage, lasting for centuries rather than decades.* When a building owner invests in a properly installed tile roof, it’s the last roof they’ll ever need to buy – a huge plus when it comes to resale value.


There’s no roofing material more versatile than tile. Clay and concrete can be molded to resemble wood shakes, chipped stone and shingle-style slate, along with more traditional barrel and s-shaped profiles. There’s a perfect match for every architectural style.

Energy Efficient

In virtually every climate and geographic area, tile roofs provide exceptional thermal properties, reducing heat loss or gain. Natural air ventilation under the tiles creates a heat transfer barrier that can help cool a house in summer and warm it in winter, lowering energy costs by as much as 20%.

The Pros of Tile Roofing

Tile is the most popular roofing material throughout the world. The following are some of the reasons why tile roofing continues to be one of the most popular options.

  • Tile is weather-resistant – Clay and concrete tiles are known for their durability and ability to withstand high winds, hail, and even fire. This makes tile roofing particularly effective during hurricane season.
  • Tile can help reduce energy costs – Because of the gap under the tiles, they can help block the sun’s heat from transferring into the attic, thereby reducing your reliance on your air conditioning, lowering your cooling costs significantly.
  • Tile roofs require minimal maintenance – Because of how durable and resistant tiles are, very little maintenance is required.
  • Tile roofs last a long time – A brand new tile roof will last a lifetime. In fact, it isn’t unheard of for tile roofs to last upwards of 50 years.
  • Tile roofs are pest-resistant – Unlike other roofs types, tile roofs are impervious to insect damage.
  • Tile roofs are environmentally friendly – Tiles are typically made out of clay or concrete, which is made from earth minerals. They come from a sustainable resource and once they are removed, they can be crushed and recycled – often making a base for roads.
  • Tile roofs come in many different options – Clay and concrete tiles are available in many different styles and colors, ensuring that you can choose something to complement the design of your home.

Cons of Tile Roofing

  • High cost: A clay tile roof system can cost two to three times as much as an asphalt roofing system. An average clay tile roof costs between $675 to $1400 per square (100 SF of roof area). Concrete tile roofs are more economical, with costs of $400 to $450 per square. This is offset, though, by the long life a tile roof will enjoy. Slate tiles are by far the most expensive, with average costs running between $1,000 and $4,000 per square.
  • Difficult installation: Installing tile roofing requires professional roofing contractors with extensive experience. The tiles will need to be measured, laid in a specific pattern, and checked so that no moisture gets through. This is not a DIY project.
  • Heavyweight: Your roof structure must be able to handle the weight of a tile roof, which may be as much as 850 pounds per square for clay tile and 950 pounds per square for concrete tile. An asphalt roof, by comparison, weighs only around 225 to 325 pounds per square. If you’re replacing shingle roofing with tiles, you should consult an engineer to determine if structural reinforcement is necessary, which will add to the cost of the roof. 
  • Tiles are brittle: While very durable, clay tiles, slate, and concrete tiles can be broken if they suffer a heavy impact, such as from falling tree branches, or even due to the pressure of walking on them. Repairs, when needed, can be expensive. 
  • Not suitable for all roof slopes: Tile roofs are suitable only for roofs with relatively sharp slopes. They should not be used on roofs with pitches less than 4:12. 

Tile Styles

Clay and concrete tiles are available in many styles to match any aesthetic goal.

  • Spanish tiles are the classic Southwest roof, resembling rows of lapping waves with troughs between the rows to carry water away. They are best suited for regions where rains might be infrequent but very heavy when they do occur. Clay, terra cotta, and concrete tiles are all available in this style.
  • Scandia tiles resemble Spanish tiles inverted so they are upside down. Visually, they give the appearance of sharp vertical ridges with wide scallop-shaped troughs. This style is common in architecture based on northern European styles.
  • Double Roman tiles resemble Spanish tiles, but the rows have distinct ribs that are quite visible. The water troughs are more frequent, though smaller. These tiles are often used in Mediterranean architecture. Often made of concrete, they are also available in clay and terra cotta.
  • Flat shake tiles are usually made of concrete and are fabricated to resemble the texture of granulated asphalt shingles or wood shakes. Slate roofs are also essentially flat shakes. These roofs have relatively flat surfaces that easily shed frequent light rains, but may not be ideal where heavy “gully-washer” rainfalls are common. These tiles readily adapt to almost any architectural style.
  • Pantile roofs are made of clay tiles formed into a flattened S shape, creating a ripple appearance. Pantiles are considerably lighter than most other tiles, and also cheaper.
  • Barrel tiles are also semi-cylindrical tiles like Spanish and Roman, but here the cylinders are slightly tapered so they are wider at one end. The tapering shape makes these a good choice on curved roofs.
  • French tiles look like an inverted form of the Roman roof, with much wider troughs for channeling away heavy rainfalls.
  • Riviera tiles are essentially a flattened form of double Roman tiles, in which the humps are flat ridges interrupting shallow, flat-bottomed troughs.

How To Find Cheap Tile Flooring

Tips for Laying Top-Notch Tile

Setting your own tile can save a lot of money, and is a DIY project that anyone can take on. Mark Clement of MyFixItUpLife has laid a lot of tile, and shares his top tips for getting the best results. While tile is beautiful it’s also unforgiving: You can’t sand it, caulk it, or re-nail it. So it’s best to get the job done right the first time.

In most remodeling applications we use floor leveler to flatten the floor, not make it level. If your floor has deep pocks or bellies (some people call them ‘bird baths’) more than a 1/4-inch, mix up some floor leveler and pour it on. The key is getting the right viscosity: A little more viscous than water—but not much. It needs to be fluid enough to flow so gravity can draw it into a low spot. Strike off edges with a flat trowel.

Kneepads: They’re ugly, nearly always uncomfortable, and hot. They’re also 100 times better than kneeling on your bare knees all day.

Drill: With a 0-450 rpm in low gear, a cordless drill turns at just about the right speed to mix the mud without whipping it up.

Trowels: Use a Hyde Tools margin trowel. This $9 tool is gold for mixing small batches of material, scooping it from the bucket, and for spreading it around on the floor.Also use a 3/8 x 3/8-inch notched trowel. Large format tiles like a large format trowel. Use a flat edged trowel to screed a layer over the floor before combing it out. For plank tiles, comb the thinset perpendicular to the tile length.

Saw: A high-quality wet cutting tile saw is the only game in town. There’s no such thing as one that doesn’t spray water so set it up inside where it can get wet and you can clean it up without wrecking things.

Tile doesn’t move, but things around it do. Basement floors, walls, and counters, can shift. Use a waterproof crack isolation membrane called Red Gard. It’s similar to using rosin paper under a wood floor, RedGard is a ‘bond-break’. If the slab moves the RedGard flexes under the tile. It’s also waterproof and helps keep moisture and humidity from groundwater in check. It’s ideal for bathroom and wet service renovations too. To apply, simply roll on with a paint roller and let dry.

With a few exceptions, the first row of tiles should be the same width as the last row—no matter what the size of the room is.The bigger the room, the harder this is. And the more criteria there are, like notches around room features, the more you’ll need to think and plan ahead. Use a visible laser to cast a line, then measure the rest of the room, make small adjustments, and finally snap the final layout line in chalk.

Tile installation

Prepare the Surface

Make sure your surfaces are clean, smooth, and dry for best results. Take time to repair, patch, and level any damaged or uneven areas. Double check to make sure the surface is structurally sound and the area free of wax, soap scum, and grease.

Begin Your Layout

For an efficient layout, start by marking the center point of each of the walls in the room. Next, snap chalk lines between the center points of opposite walls to pinpoint the center of the room. Make any necessary adjustments to ensure that the intersection creates perfect squares.

Apply the Adhesive

As a general rule of thumb, be mindful to mix only enough of the adhesive to be used within 30 minutes. Using the flat side of the trowel type recommended on the adhesive package, spread a 1/4″ coat on the surface of one grid area without covering the guidelines.

Cut Tile as Needed

Start by marking carefully measured cuts-to-be with a pencil or felt-tip pen on the tile surface. You can use a tile cutter to achieve pinpoint straight or diagonal cuts. Make masterful curved cuts with a nipper, chipping away small pieces for best results.

Set Your Tile

Now that you’ve primed the surface, created the layout, applied the adhesive, and cut the tile, you are fully prepared for the actual installation of your tile.

Just Floored! Totally Unexpected DIY Flooring Alternatives

Belts Beneath Your Feet

Wait—don’t throw away that old belt! Arranged into large squares or tiles, used leather belts make a uniquely warm and soft flooring for home or office. Who would have thought?!

Sure Looks Like Salami

This sandwich meat–inspired flooring is the brainchild of Belgian artist Wim Delvoye. If you look closely at the center of each tile, you will see the distinct salami-patterned swirl replicated in the scanned, printed, and laminated images of luscious charcuterie…anyone else suddenly craving a sandwich?

More than a Pocketful of Pennies

Some people wish for a money tree out back, but why not a money floor? This project tops the cheap flooring ideas because it literally costs pennies to make. Glue copper coins in place, fill in with black grout, seal with clear coat, and you have a cent-sational floor that will wow your guests.

We’ll Drink to That

Reclaimed wood like that of whiskey barrels can cost less than the typical oak flooring. This particular flooring’s manufacturer, McKay, in the United Kingdom, carefully preserves the barrels’ branded markings from sherry, whiskey, and bourbon that make this lumber so distinctive.

Put a Cork in It

This one-of-a-kind floor was created from thousands of wine corks, laid horizontally in a wave pattern. If it sounds too daunting to drink your way to enough corks to cover the ground with this cheap flooring idea, try contacting local restaurants and bistros to ask for donations instead!

A Guide to Tiles – All You Need to Know About Tiles

If you’re thinking of buying tiles, you’ll find this link to a  list of questions to ask before purchase very useful. It’ll ensure you’ve all the relevant information to hand, and are able to select the best tiles for your purpose.

Why Should I Use Tiles?

Practicality: Ceramic tiles are a versatile and down-to-earth home improvement technology. They’re easy to maintain, and help provide a water-proof barrier to your bathroom walls.

Durability: Do it once; do it right. Archaeologists have uncovered glazed tiles originally laid around 1,500BC. It proves that if you choose your tile wisely, there’s no reason your tiled area shouldn’t last for generations. Tiles are hardwearing, easily maintained, and not susceptible to fading from UV light.

Cleanliness: Tiles have long been recommended in preference to carpet to help combat dust allergies and asthma.

Design: Ceramic tiles should become an integral part of your home. Modern patterns and sizes will keep your home up-to-date with current trends, and careful selection will enhance and protect your home and add to its capital value.

Wall Tiles V Floor Tiles:

Tiles produced exclusively for walls are not intended to be load bearing. They are often lighter and thinner than floor tiles. The glazes used in the manufacture of a wall tile are also different, and are not designed to resist the abrasive forces from foot traffic. Wall tiles must only be used on walls.

Floor tiles are suitable for both floors and walls. It’s increasingly more popular to use them on bathroom walls, especially the rectangular ones. They’re up to 20% heavier than wall tiles, so it’s important that your tiler has verified the walls are sturdy enough to support their weight.

Porcelain Tiles V Ceramic Tiles:

Ceramic (or non-porcelain) tiles are usually produced by firing red or white clay in a kiln, and coating with a durable glaze which carries the colour and pattern. These tiles can be used on walls or floors. They are not as hard as porcelain, and can therefore be cut easier. The tiles can be used in areas of light to moderate traffic, such as domestic kitchen and bathroom floors, and any walls. They tend to absorb water, relatively speaking, which means they don’t have the frost-resistance of porcelain and therefore are not suitable for outdoor use.


A tile is a thin object usually square or rectangular in shape. Tile is a manufactured piece of hard-wearing material such as ceramic, stone, metal, baked clay, or even glass, generally used for covering roofs, floors, walls, or other objects such as tabletops. Alternatively, tile can sometimes refer to similar units made from lightweight materials such as perlite, wood, and mineral wool, typically used for wall and ceiling applications. In another sense, a tile is a construction tile or similar object, such as rectangular counters used in playing games (see tile-based game). The word is derived from the French word tuile, which is, in turn, from the Latin word tegula, meaning a roof tile composed of fired clay.

Tiles are often used to form wall and floor coverings, and can range from simple square tiles to complex or mosaics. Tiles are most often made of ceramic, typically glazed for internal uses and unglazed for roofing, but other materials are also commonly used, such as glass, cork, concrete and other composite materials, and stone. Tiling stone is typically marble, onyx, granite or slate. Thinner tiles can be used on walls than on floors, which require more durable surfaces that will resist impacts.

Decorative tile work and coloured brick

Decorative tilework or tile art should be distinguished from mosaic, where forms are made of great numbers of tiny irregularly positioned tesserae, each of a single color, usually of glass or sometimes ceramic or stone.

Ancient Middle East

The use of sun-dried bricks or adobe was the main method of building where river mud was found in abundance along the Tigris and Euphrates. Here the scarcity of stone may have been an incentive to develop the technology of making kiln-fired bricks to use as an alternative. To strengthen walls made from sun-dried bricks, fired bricks began to be used as an outer protective skin for more important buildings like temples, palaces, city walls and gates. Making fired bricks is an advanced pottery technique. Fired bricks are solid masses of clay heated in kilns to temperatures of between 950° and 1,150°C, and a well-made fired brick is an extremely durable object. Like sun-dried bricks they were made in wooden molds but for bricks with relief decorations special molds had to be made.

Ancient Indian subcontinent

Rooms with tiled floors made of clay decorated with geometric circular patterns have been discovered from the ancient remains of Kalibangan, Balakot and Ahladino